Our school put in another  huge effort for the Team Hope – “Shoe-box Appeal” again this year filling over fifty boxes. With children from second to fourth taking part filling boxes with the four ‘W’ requested categories:


TO WRITE – Items for school – like a pen, pencil, copy book, paper, colouring book, felt pens, sharpener, eraser, solar calculator.

TO WASH – Some hygiene items – toothbrush and toothpaste, soap (wrapped please), facecloth, hairbrush, comb.

TO WEAR – Small clothing items – a hat, scarf, gloves, socks or underwear

WOW ! – A treat – sunglasses, game, small Irish gift, a photo of yourself, sweets (must be in date until at least March 2016), make up, a small musical instrument, toys like a doll, a car, cuddly toy, skipping rope, yo-yo, a finger puppet.




SDC12227Working through their long established group of international partnerships, the shoebox gifts will be given into the hands of a needy child, irrespective of his or her
race, religion, ethnicity, or background – who all equally deserve a shoebox gift.

The only criteria for receiving a shoebox is the need of the child.

This year they are planning that TEAM HOPE shoeboxes from Ireland will go to street children, orphans, children in hospital, poor families, victims of war or other needy situations in the following countries:




SDC12228Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union:
